Articles about Early or Premature Menopause

4 Hidden Causes of Early Menopause
4 Hidden Causes of Early Menopause

If you are going through early menopause, you might not know why. This article explains early menopause and lists some of the hidden causes.

Causes of Early Menopause
Causes of Early Menopause

Early menopause is when women reach menopause earlier than average. Keep reading to learn about the causes of early menopause.

Breast Pain during Early Menopause
Breast Pain during Early Menopause

Breast pain is a common symptom of the rare condition of early menopause, and can be quite painful. This article explains in more detail why it occurs and

Can I Prevent Early Menopause?
Can I Prevent Early Menopause?

Induced by medical procedures or natural causes, early menopause is a reality that many women must face. Learn more about what can be done.

HRT and Early Menopause
HRT and Early Menopause

Women who are experiencing the early onset of menopause may feel frustrated and confused, or fail to understand the changes in their bodies. They may wonde

Understanding Early Menopause
Understanding Early Menopause

By definition, early menopause occurs when menopause starts before the age of 40. This can have many causes and treatments. Click here to learn more.

How to Manage Early Menopause Symptoms
How to Manage Early Menopause Symptoms

Reaching menopause early can be a surprise, but early menopause does not need to be seen as a bad thing. Keep reading to learn about menopause symptoms.

Infertility and Early Menopause
Infertility and Early Menopause

Don’t let early menopause affect your chances of conception. Read about early menopause and fertility as well as possible treatment options here.

PMS and Early Menopause
PMS and Early Menopause

Read all you need to know about PMS and early menopause here, including what they are as well as their symptoms, causes, treatments, and much more.

What Are the Causes of Early Menopause?
What Are the Causes of Early Menopause?

Early menopause can be triggered by multiple factors. Family history, disease, hysterectomy, surgery ,and cancer medications are just some potential causes

Early Onset Menopause Symptoms
Early Onset Menopause Symptoms

Early onset menopause occurs during a woman's early 40s, but symptoms may begin to appear much sooner. Lean how to identify them here.

What Are the Early Symptoms of Menopause?
What Are the Early Symptoms of Menopause?

If you've done your homework on menopause, you probably know that this major life change carries a whole host of symptoms, from mood swings and anxiety to weight gain and osteoporosis.Menopause has many symptoms.Learn more here.

Identifying Early Menopause Symptoms
Identifying Early Menopause Symptoms

While most women approach menopause between their late 40s and 50s, a smaller contingent of women experience early menopause. Learn more here.

The Brighter Side of Early Menopause
The Brighter Side of Early Menopause

Read all about the advantages of early menopause here so that you can transition into your postmenopausal years with an optimistic outlook on life.

Treatments for Early Menopause
Treatments for Early Menopause

Women who experience the symptoms of menopause before age 40 are thought to be experiencing early menopause. Menopause occurs when the body begins to...

3 Ways to Cope with Early Menopause
3 Ways to Cope with Early Menopause

Early menopause can be difficult for women to deal with, but it doesn't have to turn into devastation. By getting 30 minutes of exercise each day, eating w

5 Ways to Cope with Early Menopause
5 Ways to Cope with Early Menopause

Women may experience menopause before their 40s. This can be a difficult experience, but you are not alone. Find tips on how to deal with this.

Treatment Options for Early Menopause
Treatment Options for Early Menopause

Whether as the result of natural causes or induced by surgery or cancer treatments, early menopause is a reality for many women under the age of 40.