As if hot flashes and mood swings aren't enough to contend with during menopause, Mother Nature often throws weight gain into the mix, too. Unfortunately, 90% of women are likely to put on weight as they approach menopause. This is often considered one of the most difficult symptoms to come to terms with because of the effect it can have on a woman's self-esteem.

Fortunately, there are ways of preventing menopausal weight gain, or even tackling the symptom after it has arisen. However, treatments and lifestyle changes associated with losing weight require a great deal of self-restraint and dedication. While addressing your exercise regime and diet are generally the first steps you can take, it is also important to make sure you are drinking the right things. Read on to learn what you should and shouldn't be drinking for the purpose of managing your weight during menopause.
Drinks to Consume or Avoid during Menopause
During menopause, hormonal changes within the body make weight gain more likely. When estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels are disrupted, a woman's appetite can change. However, by consuming certain liquids, and avoiding others, you can try to rebalance these hormone levels and tackle weight gain.
Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking the recommended eight to 10 glasses of water per day is the ultimate catalyst for helping you battle weight loss. This is because water is said to be able to help to suppress your appetite and metabolize fat deposits. Also because menopause causes a reduction in progesterone levels, water retention can be higher during this time, a symptom that can make you feel more bloated. Drinking water however, will help ensure that any stored water is able to pass through your system more efficiently, thus making you feel less bloated!
Swap Coffee for Green Tea

Caffeine is often thought to have a negative impact on the body. Its "quick fix" stimulation can cause the body to go into 'fight or flight' mode which, by increasing the amount of stress and adrenaline in the body, causes further disruption to estrogen and progesterone production. Instead, opt for the natural alternative: green tea. Regular consumption of this health giving brew can increase metabolism, inhibit the transition of glucose into fat cells, and reduce appetite.
Limit Alcohol Intake

People can often forget about the calories they consume through drinking and alcohol is one of the main offenders. When sugary drinks are also added to the beverage the calorie count can skyrocket. Furthermore, alcohol can worsen a women's overall experience of menopause and its symptoms.
Drink Vegetable or Fruit Juice

While certain juices can satisfy hunger cravings in between meals, it's also thought that some of this fruity family can increase the estrogen levels in your body. Freshly squeezed apple juice, tomato juice, or carrot juice all contain phytoestrogens, nutrient which will naturally increase estrogen levels.
Replace Cow Milk with Soy Milk

Soy is one of the most important phytoestrogen containing food types, which means that swapping cow's milk for soy during menopause can help restore estrogen levels and keep weight off.
Being conscious about your liquid choices can help you lose weight. It's important however, that any steps are taken as part of a healthy lifestyle.