How to Combat Night Sweats in Women Under 25

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By Hannah R. and Noelina R. | Updated: Jun 18, 2020


More than three-quarters of all women will experience hot flashes and night sweats during menopause.1 However, like many other menopause symptoms, night sweats are not only indicative of the menopausal transition as they can be felt even by those in their mid-20s.

Continue reading to learn all about how to deal with night sweats in women under 25 so that you or your loved one can finally indulge in much needed beauty rest.

Night sweats in women under 25 may be triggered by hot environments, stress, spicy foods, or menstruation

Why Night Sweats in Women Under 25 Occur

In the majority of cases, night sweats that do not soak bed sheets or pajamas are usually not to be a concern. They are generally resolved by adjusting room temperature or removing extra comforters from the bed.

However, night sweats in women under 25 that do lead to a change in sheets or nightwear may be indicative of a medication side effect (such as antidepressants or HRT) in addition to an underlying health problem, like tuberculosis, fungal or bacterial infections, acid reflux, or cancer.

Moreover, in one in every 100 females, night sweats in women under 25 can be accredited to primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), a condition in which the ovaries stop egg production before the age of 40.2

The exact cause of POI is unidentifiable 90 percent of the time, but causes can include genetic disorders, autoimmune diseases, chemotherapy, metabolic disorders, toxins, and few follicles.3

Also, although rare, women younger than 25 can also attribute their night sweats to premature menopause, which is defined as menopause that occurs before the age of 40.

How to Combat Them

There are some simple tips young women can put into practice when combatting night sweats.

Take note of triggers

Various circumstances, foods, and drinks can offset a night sweat in women of all ages, including, but not limited to:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Spicy foods
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking

Take the appropriate precautions by avoiding or reducing exposure of aforementioned triggers for optimal results. Also, keeping a journal to write down any patterns noticed between night sweats and what took place immediately before an episode can help women identify triggers.

Relieve stress

Since stress is a common trigger of hot flashes and night sweats, partaking in techniques proven to induce relaxation throughout the body would do women well. Meditation, yoga, and tai chi are highly acclaimed for helping women increase their self-awareness, reduce negative emotions, and improve patience and tolerance for new and stressful situations.

Revamp nighttime routine

Night sweats in women under 25 may be attributed to poor bedtime habits. Accordingly, women should aim to keep their bedroom cool and well-ventilated using bed sheets for night sweats. They should also aim to use quick-drying pajamas; put a glass of water on a bedside table, and possibly keep an ice pack under the pillow, flipping it throughout the night to always be sleeping on the chilled side.

How to Find Ultimate Treatment

While management techniques take care of night sweats in women under 25 short-term, long-term relief will only be found once the underlying cause is treated.

After consulting with one's doctor for a proper diagnosis, if hormonal imbalance is the root cause, night sweats treatments that focus on optimizing endocrine system health will provide the best benefit. They consist of lifestyle changes alongside alternative medicine traditionally used for hormonal stability. Follow the previous link to learn more.

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