How Can Herbal Supplements Help with Loss of Libido?

By Gina C. | Updated: Jun 18, 2020


Unfortunately, loss of libido affects many menopausal women. With the close of the menstrual cycle comes a dramatic decline in sex hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which are essential for sexual function.

Whether you can't get aroused, maintain lubrication, reach an orgasm, or you're just too tired to make love, herbal supplements can surely help. Herbs have been used for centuries by indigenous peoples around the world to address each and every sexual downfall and bring you back to the top of your game.

How Can Herbal Supplements Help with Loss of Libido?

Hormonal Support

A decrease in hormone levels, especially estrogen, often contributes to a loss of libido. Although this part cannot be completely avoided during menopause and is likely to show minor shifts, you can reduce the impact by consuming phytoestrogenic herbs. Phytoestrogens are plant molecules that are received by estrogen receptors in the body and assume estrogenic functions, helping to improve your libido.

Black cohosh, for example, is brimming with phytoestrogens to replenish your estrogen levels. Also, studies show its ability to relieve vaginal dryness, a menopause symptom that often contributes to low sex drive. Other sources of phytoestrogenic compounds include soy, nuts, and dong quai.

Heightened Arousal

The main reason for vaginal dryness and an inability to reach an orgasm is weakened blood circulation through the body and to your sex organs. Within only an hour of use, however, the bark of a West African tree called yohimbe can get you going. The active alkaloid, called yohimbine - in combination with the amino acid arginine - has been shown to improve sense of arousal in perimenopausal women.

Another herb that increases arousal is ginseng, sometimes referred to as Asian, Chinese, or Korean ginseng. It has also helped women going through menopause augment their sexual function with little to no side effects.

Higher Energy

Mainly because of the drop in progesterone, women may experience deep, long-lasting fatigue during their menopausal years. Progesterone levels drop during menopause, women may find that they simply do not have the energy to have sex. It takes stamina and motivation to enjoy intercourse, both of which seem to dissipate during this transition.

Ginkgo, then, is one possible solution. It is a stimulant but does not contain caffeine, which eliminates the risk of irritability, jitteriness, and a hard crash. Instead, it helps naturally increase energy and improve metabolism throughout the whole body, making you more spry and feisty. In addition, it can also improve blood circulation.

Understand that this transition is completely natural and nothing to blame yourself for. When choosing an herbal supplement, make sure to find a reputable retailer that has products containing 100% pure ingredients. Once you have the perfect supplement in hand, you will be back in the bedroom in no time. Enjoy the throws of passion with your loved one again by improving every aspect of your sexual experience.

There are also other approaches that can help you deal with loss of libido.

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