Find out important things to know about gingivitis and periodontitis during menopause here so you can go back to having a smile of which you can be proud.
Find out important things to know about gingivitis and periodontitis during menopause here so you can go back to having a smile of which you can be proud.
Learn all about gum infection treatments, from lifestyle changes and home remedies to dental medications, procedures, and much more.
Gum infections manifest as sensitive or loose teeth, inflammation, persistent bad breath, and more. Discover five telltale gum infection symptoms here.
Most women will experience swollen gums at some point during their life, as the skin in this area of the body is particularly thin and therefore susceptible to inflammation and infections.Find out about some of the common causes and treatments.
Some gum infections can develop into severe gingivitis. This can be a painful condition that causes sensitive gums and bleeding.
It can be difficult to know which medication you need to treat a gum infection. Learn more about some of the options that are out there.
Learn how to recognize a gum infection and about some of the factors that are known to cause and worsen them.
Learn about some natural, home remedies that can bring relief to sore gums, and stop them from bleeding.
Women are at particular risk of developing gum infections during menopause. Oral care is especially important during this time.
Your gum line may start receding at any stage of your life. It may increase during times of hormonal imbalance, such as during menopause.
Oral hygiene, like many other things, is a habit best built step-by-step. Learn how to build a thorough oral cleaning routine in just 30 days.
Gums may bleed and exhibit other issues during the menopause transition. Get the facts on this little-known menopause symptom.
Gum problems during menopause are mostly caused by estrogen imbalance. So should you go to dentist, a family practitioner, or an endocrinologist? Learn how
Gum disease is a very common problem, and it can become particularly prominent among women who are going through a time of hormonal imbalance.
Discover five home remedies for receding gums here so that you can have your healthy smile back once and for all.
Tooth and gum pain can be extremely frustrating, and the best way to manage gum problems is to prevent them from occurring in the first place.
Menopause does affect teeth and gums. Find out six habits to avoid for optimal teeth health, and don’t let menopause dental problems get you down these years.
Gum pain can be a frustrating and painful condition. Fortunately, there are foods you can eat in order to soothe pain until you are able to see a dentist.
Oral health problems are a common complaint of menopause.
Gum problems are a common symptom of menopause. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat gum problems during menopause.
Gum disease can be an irritating condition, but it is one that can be prevented. This article describes five different foods that you can try.