The approach of middle age and the onset of menopause usually bring the desire to find effective menopause treatments. While menopause is a natural process that cannot be treated or reversed, the symptoms that accompany this transition can be treated and managed. Women who are going through menopause should talk to their doctors about symptoms and treatments, and they can first try a number of simple, inexpensive lifestyle adjustments to improve their daily lives.
Why Should I Try Menopause Treatments?
Menopause treatments are an effective way to combat the unpleasant effects of menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, and decreased libido. Menopause treatments range from free of charge and no-risk to costly and high-risk, and there is not one perfect treatment. Women are different and require unique menopause treatments.
Once you find something that works for you, you will undoubtedly be happier, feel better, and be able to cope with menopause better. Menopause treatments can provide relief and a sense of control, which is invaluable during a time in life when women often feel powerless about what is going on inside their bodies. Some women have only mild symptoms and do not seek menopause treatments; however, for the millions of women who suffer from the discomfort of more severe symptoms, menopause treatments are a beneficial option.
When to Use Menopause Treatments
Most women begin to investigate menopause treatments during their forties, since that is when the menopause transition typically begins. However, some women begin looking for effective menopause treatments as early as their mid-thirties. Although most women enter menopause around age 51, it is a good idea to be informed and prepared before the symptoms appear.
Types of Menopause Treatments

There are three main types of menopause treatments. The first kind of treatment consists of lifestyle changes. Among all menopause treatments, this is the lowest-cost and lowest-risk option. It simply requires discipline and a desire to be healthy so that the body can more easily withstand the stresses of menopause. The second kind of menopause treatments are alternative treatments, which include approaches such as herbal supplements. This kind of treatment is steadily growing in popularity. The third form of menopause treatments is medication. Although there are many options under this category, the most common one is hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
All menopause treatments are different, and women respond to each uniquely. Talk to your doctor before deciding on the best treatment option for you, and always start with making healthy lifestyle choices. For more information on menopause symptoms and treatments, follow the links below.
- Love, S. (2003). Menopause and Hormone Book. New York: Three Rivers Press.
- National Institute on Aging. (2015). Signs of the Menopausal Transition. Retrieved February 9, 2016, from https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/publication/menopause-time-change/signs-menopausal-transition
- Office on Women's Health. (2012). Menopause and menopause treatments fact sheet. Retrieved February 9, 2016, from http://www.womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/menopause-treatment.html