Sweating during Menopause

By Sarah E. | Updated: Aug 02, 2016


Menopause often triggers side effects such as night sweats and hot flashes, which can lead a woman to perspire much more than she is accustomed to. Excess perspiration can clog pores, make women self-conscious about how they smell, and soak through clothing. Sweating is a normal part of being human, but excess sweat is not always desirable. However, there are different methods that can help you to perspire less or make the perspiration that you have less noticeable.

5 ways to reduce sweating


Perspiration that is a symptom of menopause is caused by hormonal fluctuations. These hormonal changes cause the nerves that are responsible for activating sweat glands become overactive. This can causes a woman to perspire even when it is unnecessary, such as in the middle of the night.


Generally, symptoms of sweating include feelings of heat in the upper body that move to the chest, neck and face, causing redness. The two most common symptoms of menopause that involve excessive perspiration are night sweats and hot flashes.

5 Ways to Reduce Perspiration


Wipe your face with a cool wet towel

By wiping your face with a cool wet towel, your body temperature will drop and you will be less likely to sweat.


Shower regularly

Regulating your body temperature with regular cool showers is a big help. Washing your skin and face with body scrub and face wash can also prevent sweat from clogging your pores, which can lead to breakouts.


Use antiperspirant spray

 While deodorants are used for their fragrance and to mask the smell of perspiration, antiperspirants block sweating. Antiperspirants contain aluminum, which clogs sweat glands to prevent perspiration.


Reduce your intake of foods that trigger perspiration

Spicy foods like hot peppers can trigger sweating in many people. Alcohol and caffeine can also lead to perspiration. Everyone's body works a little differently, so if you notice that one of these foods, or another food, is causing you to perspire more, it is best to limit them in your diet.


Wear loose clothing made of natural materials

Tight clothing and synthetic materials can trigger sweating and make it more visible. If you are having trouble with your feet becoming saturated in perspiration during the day it is a good idea to wear sock made out of natural material or sports socks designed to wick away moisture. Shoes made out of natural material can also be beneficial.


Two of the most common symptoms of menopause, night sweats and hot flashes, can lead to excessive perspiration, which can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. However, there are ways to handle and reduce excess sweat, so you can be comfortable and relieved. Remember to consult your doctor if perspiration negatively impacted your lifestyle. Click for more information on how to handle menopausal symptoms.

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