Any abnormalities in the regular rhythm of the heart, such a slow heart rate, are a source of great stress and uncertainty for most menopausal women, especially when they occur for the first time.
Any abnormalities in the regular rhythm of the heart, such a slow heart rate, are a source of great stress and uncertainty for most menopausal women, especially when they occur for the first time.
Atrial fibrillation, commonly shortened to AFib or AF, is the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia, occurring in middle-aged women. Atrial fibrillation is a common heart problem linked to aging and other health factors. Continue reading to discover the triggers of atrial fibrillation.
Palpitations are experienced when the heart rhythm differs from the normal range.The link between anxiety and palpitations is strong, and suffering from anxiety-induced palpitations can be life altering. Click here to learn more.
As we get older, our bodies undergo various physiological and physical changes, which can affect our heart rhythm. Women experience a racing heart at various stages of their life. Read on to find out about the underlying causes of a rapid heartbeat.
If you have ever experienced palpitations, you might be interested in reading on to discover what palpitations are and what their causes are.
Experiencing a missed heartbeat can be a worrying, but rarely serious, sensation that many women experience at least once in their lives. Learning more abo
Is chocolate good for your health? Fortunately, yes. Learn more about types of chocolates and how much you should eat.
An occasional irregular heartbeat is not as common as hot flashes, but it may still be just a sign of menopause.
Find out the six best natural ways to cure irregular heartbeats during menopause in order to be on your way to optimal cardiovascular health.
Everyone experiences irregular heartbeats from time to time, especially during menopause. Learn here about five habits and triggers to avoid.
Many people panic if they feel their heart beating irregularly, but it is actually somewhat common.
Hormonal changes during menopause can cause irregular and rapid heartbeats called arrhythmia. Click here to read about six steps to take to relieve them.
The signs of an irregular heartbeat are something that many women experience at some stage throughout their lives. Learn how to identify them here.
Ever find that your heart skips a beat? Could it be more than a sign of love? Learn more about the menopause symptom here.
An irregular heartbeat can also be a sign of hormonal imbalance or menopause. Learn more.
There are several factors that can cause arrhythmias. Click here to learn about what causes irregular heartbeat for improved heart health.
Women over 50 are at a greater risk of different illnesses and health complications, such as osteoporosis, diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease.
When a menopausal woman is stressed, hormone changes mean the body and its heart can become more susceptible to serious illness.
An irregular heartbeat can be a frightening and worrying experience. This article answers some of the most frequently asked questions about this symptom.