Study: The Effects of Consuming Royal Jelly on Symptoms of Menopause

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By Menopause Now Editorial Team | Updated: Apr 13, 2021


Royal jelly is a milky secretion produced by honeybees. It is commonly sold in supplement form and promoted for a variety of conditions, only some of which have been corroborated by modern science.

While its traditional uses for middle-age ailments have seen initial scientific validation, more studies are needed to determine its safety and efficacy.1 In 2019, scientists conducted this trial to further assess the benefits of consuming royal jelly on menopause symptoms.

Study: The effects of consuming royal jelly on symptoms of menopause

Study Design

The group of participants in this trial consisted of 200 postmenopausal women reporting a wide range of menopausal discomforts. They were split into two groups and put on two different treatment regimens.

For eight weeks, half of them took capsules containing 1,000 mg of royal jelly, while the other half took the placebo capsules with 1,000 mg lactose sugar. Researchers measured menopause symptoms based on the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) before and after the study.

Study Findings

Royal jelly group's scores for menopause symptoms were significantly lower after eight weeks of treatment (a drop from 31.14 to 19.03), while no major changes were seen in the placebo group (a drop from 31.65 to 18.11).

Participants did not register significant side effects in either of the groups.

What Does It Mean?

This study offers scientific evidence on the effects of royal jelly on relieving menopause symptoms. The results were published in the Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice journal.

These beneficial effects should be confirmed in more clinical trials to fully understand the mechanism of action, proper dosage, and other potential uses of royal jelly during menopause.

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