Night sweats refer to the condition of excess sweating during the night. This common menopause symptom not only interrupts your sleep, but it has subsequent effects. Night sweats can wake you up in the middle of the night, cause you to become fatigued and stressed, and they can lower your sex drive. While all of these changes may be hard to deal with, they can also affect your partner and your relationship.
By learning how to manage your night sweats, you may be able to strengthen the communication between you and your partner.
5 Tips to Help Reduce the Effects of Night Sweats
There are several ways to ease night sweats. Try following these tips to help prepare you and your partner for any uncomfortable moments during the night.

Talk to your partner and let him or her know that menopause is causing you to have night sweats. By communicating with your partner, you will be able to receive the support you need and not feel embarrassed by these natural changes to your body.

The fact that your partner understands the problem you are experiencing not only strengthens the trust between the two of you, but it also enables your partner to support you. Talk about changes you may need to make to the bedroom, such as opening the window, putting on the air conditioning, or using different sheets. Figure out what methods work best and what compromises you can make.
Be prepared

Always have a glass of water by your bed. Staying hydrated will help decrease the severity and frequency of your night sweats. Drinking a cold glass is also a great way to recuperate after you've had an episode. Sleeping on a towel can also help, because you can easily swap it out for a new one after sweating instead of trying to change the sheets and disturbing your partner.
Have fun

If you are experiencing night sweats, then it might be better that you don't sleep too close to your partner. Suggest alternative ways you can be intimate and show your affection. Maybe take showers together in the early evening or hold hands in bed.
Consider alternatives

As much as you might not want to, sleeping in separate beds can make a huge difference. Not sleeping next to someone can help keep your body temperature cooler and you will not disrupt your partner.
More Information
Night sweats are one of the most common symptoms of menopause. Studies suggest that 75% of women will suffer from them. Learning why they occur and how they can be managed can help you and your partner get through this transition together. Check out the articles below to find out more about night sweats.
- Boston Women's Health Collective. (2006). Hot Flashes, Night Sweats and Sleep Disturbances. Our Bodies, Ourselves.
- National Health Service UK. (2014). Menopause: five self-help tips. Retrieved February 9, 2016, from http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/menopause/Pages/Menopauseselfhelp.aspx
- National Institute on Aging. (2015). Signs of the Menopausal Transition. Retrieved January 7, 2016, from https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/publication/menopause-time-change/signs-menopausal-transition