What Triggers Mood Swings?

By Gina C. | Updated: Jun 18, 2020


Mood swings can be extremely invasive. When trying to complete the variety of tasks throughout your day, waves of unpleasant emotion can come crashing in, redirecting your focus. Even if you are a generally happy person, you can get caught in a rut of tears; even if you are not usually temperamental, you can become angry at pettiest things. If you fall prey to these common triggers, the sobs will only strengthen, and your irritability will only worsen.

What Triggers Mood Swings?


Stress can lead to extreme mood swings. If you are anxious all the time, you may feel helpless - like no one understands or cares. Paranoia and nervousness can trigger some of your saddest and most explosive mood swings.

It is very important to utilize deep breathing and relaxation techniques if you are prone to erratic emotions. Slow and deepen your breath for 15 minutes with your eyes closed. Get a hold of yourself with love and release. You can even attend the nearest meditation session or yoga class for support.


When you do not move freely, neither do your thoughts. If you sit around all day, you should expect your worries to sit in your mind as well. This sulking can eat away at you, leading to depression; the body and brain need movement.

When you move, you release thoughts that are caught in your mind and increase your levels of endorphins, serotonin, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). These help you greatly relax and induce feelings of joy. In addition, the stress hormone, cortisol, will decrease, making you feel less panicky. 

Yoga, swimming, brisk walks under the sun, or up to 40 minutes of preferred cardio in 10 minute intervals are prime ways to balance your feelings every single day.


What is more comforting than a creamy bowl of ice cream or a big fat piece of chocolate cake? The real question you should be asking is what is more aggravating to your delicate mentality at this time. These excessively sugary foods are not a sustainable source of energy or satisfaction. Their benefit ceases the moment you swallow.

If you have explosive mood swings, this can definitely be the cause. Your blood sugar quickly shoots up and can give a feeling energy and bliss, but it is an illusion. Soon after, you will be crashing into the arms of an emotional wreck. If you absolutely need a little something, have a square or two of dark raw chocolate, a banana, or both.


Certain medications and antidepressants can do much more harm than good. Mood swings are temporary and often do not require extensive medical attention. Only if they last for over six days or are paired with thoughts of suicide should these alternatives be considered. Prescription medications will often put your brain chemistry far more off balance in the long run. Check the labels of all your medications thoroughly to ensure that mood swings are not a side effect.

Try eliminating triggers first and adopting a more positive lifestyle. The answer is often more obvious and simple than you realize, so take comfort in knowing that you have the innate ability to achieve inner peace and joy.

Go for a walk in the park, breathe deeply, eat some fruit, and know that positive sensations are near. Overcoming mood swings is often just a matter of making healthy life changes in general. Especially as you get older, you are more susceptible to the consequences of sweet foods, laziness, and anxiety. Know the way out by avoiding these triggers.

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