Identifying Mood Swing Symptoms

By Fiorella M. | Updated: Jun 18, 2020


If you are generally not too emotional a person, mood swings can come like a mysterious force. You will wonder why your feelings are suddenly more extreme, what is going on, and what you are to do. You may go through a series of intense emotional states, which can be very disorienting. It is essential to know what symptoms to look out for if you are trying to understand your mood swings. Being in touch with yourself can greatly help you get through.

Identifying Mood Swing Symptoms


Stress comes on strongly during mood swings. You may suddenly feel overwhelmed by and unable to handle the responsibilities in your life. The smallest things, whether related to your job, family, or personal well-being, can get your thoughts racing. You begin to imagine only the negative in every situation and obsess over it. The constant worrying can make you lose sleep, lose your appetite, develop nervous habits, or use substances to relax.


Irrational Behavior

Due to your significantly heightened level of stress, you become more irritable. Something lighthearted your partner or friends say can be misinterpreted in the most extreme way. This can cause you to lash out by yelling or saying things that are completely uncalled for to those close to you. Things that bother you about people can suddenly come out of your mouth in the harshest way. You may even resort to mild violence, leaving you shocked by your own behavior and words.



These blowouts can make you flustered and confused. You are usually a pretty calm and rational person, but suddenly you feel like you are acting like a maniac. This can really make you question yourself and wonder if you are the person you think yourself to be. It can be extremely unpleasant to not understand how to get a hold of yourself. You may become lost in your emotions and feel like there is no way out. You may be too embarrassed to talk it out with a loved one, especially if you just told them off. You end up feeling quite alienated and clueless at times.



Your misunderstanding of your emotions and actions can leave you absolutely deflated. Throughout your day, you may have an awful sinking feeling that you are worthless and life may seem to all but lose its meaning. You may spend a lot of time alone sobbing and feeling miserable. This empty feeling can lead to insomnia and even brief thoughts of suicide.


Lack of Motivation

When you are caught in your inner darkness and obsessions, it is hard to pull yourself out of bed. You stop being interested in your favorite activities or seeing your companions. You also just do not want to be creative, go out for a walk, or finish work that needs to be done. You fall into a cycle of laziness and procrastination that only makes your anxiety and depression worse.


Sudden Joy

Mood swings are quite tricky, after all of that you may suddenly find yourself in a fit of laughter. A rush of happiness can suddenly enter, making you unexpectedly ready to seize the day. You may feel unusually silly or giddy and acting a bit unlike yourself. You may even become extremely elevated by positive attention from others, of which you begin to seek more to fill the previous emptiness.

Make sure to not be too hard on yourself, and instead take it easy when mood swings arise. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, get some fresh air, and know that this will pass soon. Though confusing and taxing, mood swings can be easily treated.

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