Going through the ups and downs of menopausal mood swings can make you feel like you're on an amusement park ride. Before they begin to take over completely however, try out some of the following tips to help you stay happy during your mood swings.
Exercise not only invigorates the heart but also the mind. Exercising produces endorphins often called the “feel-good” chemicals, that elevate mood and reduce anxiety. Try incorporating into your routine three, 30 minute sessions a week of light to moderate workouts like jogging and swimming. Also, make time for weight resistance exercises that can help melt away daily stresses. Research has shown that regular exercise can help treat moderate depression.
Enjoy Your Sleep
A good night's rest is essential to maintaining a healthy mind and body and revitalizing your energy. Generally older adults need between 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night to function at their best during the day. Although many people get less than the recommended or might feel that only a few hours are enough to feel rested. Research has shown however, that people who sleep less over several nights don't perform as well on complex mental tasks and they have greater anxiety and consequent tendency to emotional outbursts.
Curb Stress
Enjoy your time. Eat regularly and avoid skipping meals. Practice relaxation and breathing techniques or take up yoga or any other gentle exercise that induces relaxation and a body-mind balance.
Limit Caffeine
Although it may be tempting to head to your nearest coffee shop for a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, it's better to avoid caffeine altogether. Caffeine acts as a stimulant that directly affects the nervous system, leading to chemical imbalance and fluctuating moods.
Limit Alcohol
Most experts agree that an occasional glass of wine, particularly red wine, is fine. However, this should only be taken in moderation. Alcohol acts as a depressant, so while you may feel better temporarily, the “feel good” effect of alcohol will eventually wear off. Excessive or constant alcohol consumption can have long-term effects that lead to mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and mood swings.
Just because mood swings are a normal part of menopause, it does not mean you have to suffer from them. By following some of these tips, you can maintain your hormone levels, manage your mood swings, and stay happy.
- Amin, Zenab, Turhan Canli, and C. Neill Epperson. "Effects of Estrogen-Serotonin Interactions on Mood and Cognition". Behav Cogn Neurosci Rev 2005; 4; 43.
- Dr. Love, Susan, and Karen Lindsey. Dr. Susan Love's Menopause and Hormone Book. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2003.
- Molecular Psychiatry.(n.d)."Estrogen Promotes Gender Difference in Brain's Response to Stress". Retrieved from www.psycheducation.org.
- The Health Center.(n.d)."Adult Mood Swings". Retrieved from www.thehealthcenter.info.