5 Daily Habits to Prevent Itchy Skin on the Face

By Emily E. | Updated: Aug 02, 2016


A nuisance that may affect any area of the body, itchy skin can easily distract from other, more important parts of daily life. When it happens on the face, distraction can turn into distress. Luckily, there are basic habits that, when done each day, can keep the condition at bay without any drastic measures. Read on to learn about five daily habits to prevent itchy skin on the face.

5 Daily Habits to Prevent Itchy Skin on the Face

Pay Attention in the Shower

Showering is certainly a full-body experience, but it is important to consider the difference between facial skin and body skin, especially in regards to water temperature. Hot water actually has dehydrating effects, and it makes for itchy skin on the face after a shower. This is not to say you should take cold showers, but lukewarm temperatures are best for maintaining healthy texture and overall comfort of skin.


Pick the Right Moisturizer

As sufferers still seeking relief will know, not all moisturizers are created equally, and some are better than others depending on circumstances and skin type. Lighter creams and lotions are generally preferred for itchy skin on the face, because facial skin is usually more sensitive than the skin on the arms or legs. To prevent drying and damage from the sun, a product with an SPF 15 or higher should be applied every morning. Scentless versions protect against most potential allergies.


Eat Soy and Citrus

What you put into your body is just as important as the products you put on it, and certain nutrients are fundamental to sustaining healthy skin. Estrogen - traditionally thought of as a reproductive hormone - and vitamin C actually work together to promote collagen production and a healthy skin appearance. These can be found in soy and citrus fruits, both versatile and easy to add to a regular, balanced diet.


Keep Pillowcases Clean

Bacterial buildup is one of the easiest ways to irritate the skin, and itchy skin on the face can frequently be traced to this cause. Sweat, drool, and bad breath are common during sleeping hours - especially for women going through menopause, who might experience night sweats - and these things can accumulate on pillowcases very quickly.


Take Some Time for Yourself

Chronically itchy skin on the face is sometimes a symptom of excess stress and acts like a physical manifestation of overwork or over-worry. Taking even just five minutes of time out of a busy schedule to relax can be beneficial, but ideally take a full 30 minutes to relax your mind and improve your mood. Finding a physical activity that fits your personality and fitness level is good for taking time out of the day and will benefit your overall health.

Itchy skin on the face can be distracting and uncomfortable, but it is easily treatable. Try out one or more of the suggestions listed above to improve the condition of your skin and reduce itchiness naturally. For more information on itchy skin and how to treat it, follow the links below.

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