How Walking Can Fight Fatigue during Menopause

By Rebecca S. | Updated: Aug 02, 2016


Fatigue is a tricky symptom of menopause because there is no way to measure how tired you are; it is a condition brought about by the mind and body. Likewise, it is difficult to say what will absolutely work for curing fatigue.Woman walking in the field: walking is a good way to work out and beat fatigue.

How Walking Can Fight Fatigue1

Walking is a beneficial exercise for this ailment because it is a minimalist workout that requires little preparation. In addition, walking is a low-impact exercise that won't put too much physical stress on your body. Once you've accomplished a walking workout before or after a long day, you'll feel encouraged and energized. This sense of success often fights off the feeling of fatigue.

Won't Walking Make Me More Tired?

Actually, exercising can give you more vigor, especially if you feel like you barely have enough energy to get through the day. Science Daily cites that exercises like walking can give you 20% more energy. Walking helps fight fatigue since it stimulates your blood flow, ensuring that your cells get vital nutrients (energy) that they need to function. Exercise also prompts your body to produce more endorphins, which lift your spirits.

Are There any Special Techniques?

Before doing anything physically challenging, you must prepare your mind. Tell yourself that this exercise is going to be worth your while and that you can stop anytime it gets too difficult. More than setting a time limit or burning calories, walking while feeling fatigued is about just getting started.Once you're ready to walk, remember to stretch before and after your walk. This will help reduce muscle fatigue by preventing tightening of the muscles. In addition, stretching is a way to relax after your walk and reduce the type of stress that can cause future fatigue.

What Should My Routine Be Like?

Start walking slowly, giving yourself the opportunity to build up to a more intense and frequent workout. A research team at the University of Georgia discovered that a 20-minute exercise at least three days a week helps to improve fatigue symptoms and overall fitness. Once you are feeling stronger and more energized, try to increase your routine with daily walks.

More Information about Fatigue

Several factors can cause fatigue during menopause, including sleeping disorders, anxiety, and depression.

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