“You are what you eat” is a popular phrase and appropriately so because what you eat defines how your body works. It's common knowledge that too much fast food is bad for you, but what foods are good for you?

During menopause, depression is a serious yet all too common problem that many women suffer from. You are four times more likely to get depression during menopause than you are at any other time in life. This mental state is characterized by a consistently low mood, a lack of activity, and feelings of inadequacy. So, how can grass-fed beef help you to beat depression?
Reasons Why Grass-fed Beef Is Good for You
Low Fat Levels

All grass-fed animals have lower fat levels than their non-grass fed counterparts, and in some cases this can be as much as a third less. This means that grass-fed beef is leaner, and lean meat also means lower cholesterol levels and lower calories. This is great for a healthier body, and a healthy body is always the best way to get to a healthy mind. Grass-fed beef also contains omega-3.
Omega-3 is something we think comes only from the fish in our diet. But grass-fed beef is also high in this fatty acid. Heart-friendly and essential for the brain, omega-3 plays a key role in your system. Research has shown that you get 3 times as much omega-3 from this type of beef.

Most cows are raised on grass before being placed in a confined space and fed on grain. Grass-fed beef animals don't have their lives accelerated by hormones and instead mature naturally, eating the nutrients and seed brought about by the spring. This makes the beef produced better for the body, boosting beta-carotene, vitamin E, and omega-3 levels.

Where you're born and how you are raised has an effect on how you act and how your body performs. The same can be said for beef. If it lives a healthy life, in a good climate, on great terrain then it will taste better on the plate.
Corn-fed vs. Grass-fed
This is the ultimate acid test. So far we've established that fat and omega-3 levels, taste, and nutrition are better in grass-fed beef when compared with regular beef, but what other benefits are there? Firstly, cows naturally eat grass - that's part of evolution - so feeding them grain-like corn goes against this natural process. Similarly, farmers often add genetically modified products to corn in order to make larger profits. While this may be economical, it's bad for your health.
More about Grass-fed Beef and Depression
In addition to it being good for you, grass-fed beef is also good for the environment. By rotating cattle on farm land, soil fertility is increased and waste-management is controlled. Click on the following link for more information about the treatments for depression.
- Boyles, Salynn, and Dr. Louise Change.(n.d). "Nearing Menopause? Depression a Risk". Retrieved from www.webmd.com
- University Health Services.(n.d)."Clinical Depression". Retrieved from www.uhs.berkeley.edu
- University of Michigan Depression Center.(n.d)."Women and Depression: Menopause". Retrieved from www.med.umich.edu.