Sadness and anger are both normal human responses to certain situations. However, when these emotions become chronic and turn into a permanent state of mind rather than fleeting reactions, they can negatively impact your life. Both can be caused by stressful life events and underlying emotional issues. Keep reading for more information about anger and depression, as well as a list of habits that are helpful in combating these.
What Is Depression?
For people with depression, negative feelings are chronic and interfere in daily life. The symptoms of depression can creep up gradually, resulting in behavioral changes. Symptoms include loss of interest in hobbies, recurring feelings of guilt and worthlessness, and continuous low mood.
What Is Anger?
Anger is a normal reaction to being wronged or mistreated, and the emotion itself is not an issue - but how it is dealt with can be. Reactions that are frequent, out of proportion, or that end up harming the angry party or the people around them are a sign that anger is becoming a problem. People with anger management issues often experience knots in their stomach, the need to pace around, and “seeing red”.
Combating Depression and Anger
Unfortunately, both depression and anger can negatively impact health. High levels of stress have been shown to increase susceptibility to heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. What's more, the two conditions can seriously damage relationships with people closest to the sufferer. Below are a few useful habits that will help reduce stress levels and the intensity of both anger and depression.
Rhythmic breathing
Slowly breathe in and then exhale, paying attention to the body's natural relaxation response. The key is to breathe deeply and from the abdomen. This simple act of focusing on your body's relaxation will help you to relax even more.
Regular exercise
Serotonin and endorphins - natural neurotransmitters that promote mood - are released into the body during exercise. For moments when it is important to combat anger, intense exercise releases pent-up energy and gives time for the rational mind to catch up with the natural anger response.
Valerian is an herb that has a relaxant effect, which helps combat stress. This would naturally lead to a decrease in extreme anger reactions or feelings of depression. Under medical supervision, take this herbal supplement for a few weeks to combat stress and induce good quality sleep.
Get enough sleep
Lack of sleep can induce irrational thoughts, unnecessarily adding to any anxieties you might already have. These anxieties can often be the underlying cause of anger or depression, and so it is important to try and remain rational by getting enough sleep.
Insomnia can be caused by many different factors, but try and create a good sleeping environment and bedtime ritual. Sleeping in a cool, dark, quiet room, and going to bed at roughly the same time every night can help promote good sleeping patterns.
Anger and depression are difficult ruts from which to escape, owing to the fact that they feed on a cycle of negativity, with the sufferer ultimately becoming a victim to their symptoms. Although it might seem like a daunting task, a little effort to shift small-scale behavior patterns can empower the sufferer to take back control of their life.
- Anxiety UK. (n.d). Guide to herbal medicines. Retrieved July 18, 2014, from
- Anxiety UK. (2014). Physical exercise and anxiety. Retrieved July 18, 2014, from
- National Health Service UK. (2012). Clinical Depression - Symptoms. Retrieved July 18, 2014, from
- National Health Service UK. (2014). Relaxation tips to relieve stress - Stress, anxiety and depression. Retrieved July 18, 2014, from