Many women can find themselves suffering from tingling extremities, but most will not know a great deal about why they are experiencing it. Tingling extremities is one of the lesser-known symptoms of menopause, but it can be frustrating, annoying, and sometimes painful for the women who experience it. One of the best ways to tackle tingling extremities symptoms is to discover the facts surrounding them. Continue reading to learn more about tingling fingers and toes.
Menopause Can Cause Tingling Extremities
Though there can be a range of different reasons as to why a woman might develop tingling extremities - such as physical trauma, trapped nerves, and anxiety - most women who begin to suffer from symptoms at the same time as they enter the menopause transition will find it is due to hormonal imbalance. During menopause, the hormone estrogen enters a state of flux. This has a huge effect on the central nervous system and can result in a tingling feeling in your fingers and toes.
Tingling Extremities Feel Different to Everyone
Women who suffer from tingling extremities often report that their symptoms feel different from other women's descriptions. There are many adjectives that have been used to describe the sensation of tingling fingers and toes, including prickling, burning, pin and needles, numbness, crawling, or creeping.
This Symptom Is Rarely Serious
Despite the frustration and annoyance that tingling extremity symptoms can cause, it is very rarely a serious condition and it should not be something to lose sleep over. However, there are some conditions that include tingling extremities as an alert sign - such as thyroid disorders, although in such cases they will be accompanied by other symptoms. If your tingling extremities are accompanied by weakness, loss of bowel or bladder control, slurred speech, blurred vision, or trouble walking, or if you are worried about any other symptoms, then it is best to seek the advice of your doctor.
Treatment Can Take Several Different Forms
There are a few different ways in which symptoms of tingling extremities can be treated. Lifestyle changes are the least invasive way. Good sleep, a nutritious diet, and regular exercise are three of the lifestyle measures which can help to alleviate tingling extremities. It is particularly recommended to engage in stretching exercises that will keep blood circulating into every corner of the body, particularly for women with desk jobs or a sedentary profession. However, if symptoms still persist, then natural treatments such as herbal supplements, acupuncture, or even prescribed drugs like hormone replacement therapy, may help.
Women suffering from tingling extremities on top of the other symptoms of menopause that their body is experiencing can find themselves struggling to cope with it. By learning the facts surrounding tingling fingers and toes, the first steps can be taken towards reliving them.
For further information on how to tackle this as well as other common menopausal symptoms, click here.
- Heller, J.L. (2012). Numbness and tingling: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Retrieved October 29, 2013, from
- National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (2010). Paresthesia Information Page. Retrieved October 29, 2013, from