Search Results for "understanding sleep apnea" - Page 28


Displaying results 325-336 of 1385


Incontinence doesn't have to become a long-term problem that affects a woman's life; discover natural, alternatives, and conventional treatments.

Irregular Periods

Irregular periods are one of the first signs that a woman is approaching menopause. There are many causes related to irregular periods. Read more here.

8 Herbs to Relieve Anxiety and Hyperventilation

Anxiety disorders affect more than 40 million Americans on average.Herbs can be very helpful in treating anxiety symptoms. Valerian and passion flower, for example, are useful herbs for treating anxiety.

Loss of Libido

Women who understand the underlying emotional and physical factors in loss of libido are able to manage it. Learn more about ways to treat it.

Memory Lapses

No matter who you are, memory lapses can be a disruptive symptom during menopause, and can sometimes be severe enough to affect day-to-day life.

Mood Swings

Not only can menopause prompt uncomfortable physical symptoms, but it can also turn a woman's emotions into a pendulum.Menopausal mood swings can be a troublesome symptom. Learn the basic facts on mood swings, including how to identify and manage them.

Muscle Tension

As women approach menopause, many will notice the onset of muscle tension.Many women during menopause suffer from muscle tension. Read on to learn more about this symptom and how to handle it.


Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens bones and increases the risk of sudden fractures. Find out ways to prevent possible fractures here.

Panic Disorder

Women may be more prone to developing panic disorder during the menopause transition, when hormone levels are in flux.

Tingling Extremities

While not a common menopause or postmenopause symptom, experiencing tingling extremities can be unsettling and unpleasant. Learn what exactly tingling extremities are, common causes, and best treatment options that are available for tingling extremities.

About Anxiety

While most women do not associate menopause with anxiety, increases in this psychological phenomenon are common during the menopausal transition.Learn about the different types of anxiety disorders and which ones are more likely to occur during menopause.