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Displaying results 133-144 of 1385

10 Herbs for Anxiety Episodes

Certain herbs can be very helpful in treating anxiety episodes. In addition to these herbs, it is recommended to seek professional treatment for anxiety.

3 Tips for Anxiety Attacks

Feeling anxious when an imminent threat is present in order to react appropriately is what has allowed the human species to survive, but some people have too much anxiety.Anxiety attacks are terrifying and overwhelming, but you can take steps to control your anxiety.

6 Types of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a psychological state that is characterized by the exaggerated and persistent feeling of worry, tension, and nervousness, even when there is nothing to provoke these feelings. There are several different types of anxiety disorders. Find more here.

7 Most Common Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety is a natural human response to a distressing event, and it's defined as an overwhelming feeling of unease. This article outlines the most common anxiety symptoms to look out for.

Anxiety Attacks during Menopause

Menopause is when ovaries decrease hormone production and stop releasing eggs.Anxiety attacks disproportionately affect menopausal women and anxiety disorders are correlated with an increase in hot flashes. Click here to read more.

Are Sleeping Pills Linked to Anxiety Episodes?

Sleep disorders and anxiety episodes are both symptoms of menopause.Your moods and emotions are vulnerable during menopause because of all of the hormonal changes taking place, so anxiety episodes may arise.

Foods that Reduce Menopausal Anxiety

Anxiety is twice as likely to affect women as it is men, and this psychological problem can be even more common during menopause. Anxiety is twice as likely to affect women as it is men, and this psychological problem can be even more common during menopause.

Why Do I Have Memory Lapses?

Menopausal memory lapses are caused by a number of factors; read on to discover the hormonal, dietary, and environmental triggers of short-term memory loss

Irregular Periods and Anxiety Episodes: The Link

Anxiety affects millions of people worldwide, with women being much more likely to suffer from.Mental health disorders, such as anxiety, can have many physical symptoms, including irregular periods. Click here to learn more.

Menopause: Eating for Anxiety

Have you ever noticed how sluggish you feel after devouring a big hamburger and drinking the accompanying large soda? It is important to eat a healthy diet during menopause to maintain good overall health and balanced hormone levels. Some foods can help prevent anxiety.

Natural Ways to Treat Anxiety during Menopause

Menopausal anxiety is a common occurrence caused by a number of different factors, including estrogen deficiency, other menopausal symptoms. Menopausal anxiety is unpleasant and can have detrimental side effects. To reduce the impact of anxiety on your life...