Cooking Tips for Hot Flashes

By Samantha S. | Updated: Jun 18, 2020


There is only one way to describe hot flashes: a big pain in the butt. Hot flashes don't care if you are in the middle of a presentation in front of your most important client, if you are sitting in an auditorium full of people at your child's recital, or just doing your weekly grocery shopping. For many women, the essential daily task of cooking meals is also made more difficult with the onset of hot flashes.

Cooking Tips for Hot Flashes

If you are someone who adores being in the kitchen, making delicious food every night, you may have noticed that it is more difficult to make your favorite dishes when you are suffering from hot flashes. When you feel a hot flash coming on it can make it difficult to concentrate, and standing by an oven an uncomfortable experience. So follow these few easy cooking tips for hot flashes that will help keep you happy in the kitchen, hot flash free.

Quick Dinners

Make dinners that will only take you 20 or 30 minutes. If you search online you can find healthy, quick meal options that will get you out of the kitchen in no time, while still enjoying a nice home-cooked meal. Make sure to pick healthy meal options, though; do not sacrifice health for speed.

Cold Dinners

Cooking Tips for Hot Flashes

It is always nice to have a piping-hot meal after a long day of work. But if you do some research, you will be able to find equally delicious cold meal options, especially seafood. Shrimp is a great option that doesn't take long to prepare and is low in fat and calories. Rather than greasy, fried shrimp, instead opt for cocktail shrimp or something similar.

Avoid Spice

Cooking Tips for Hot Flashes

So you love spicy food? You might need to figure out a way to enjoy flavorful foods without adding copious amounts of spice. Too much spice can trigger hot flashes and night sweats. Search for other, milder spices that can add flavor to your food that don't pack such a punch.

It is important to know how to cook when you are suffering from hot flashes, but it is also important to understand hot flashes. Click on the following link to learn about different hot flashes treatments.

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