Fatigue can impact menopause women and leave them feeling drained of energy, which makes simple daily tasks can seem overwhelming. There are many factors that can cause fatigue during menopause, including fluctuating hormone levels and the effect of other menopause symptoms. However, lifestyle changes, such as the ones below, can help fight fatigue.
Eat Often
Energy levels are best when they are sustained. To do this, it is better to eat smaller meals and snack every three to four hours than a large meal less often.
Although it is hard to feel like exercising when you are caught in the grip of fatigue, it has excellent long-term benefits, and will give you more energy. The recommended amount is around two and a half hours per week. A brisk walk will also help you sleep well, as low-quality sleep can cause fatigue.
Lose Weight
Many women also gain weight during menopause, and this can exacerbate fatigue - excess weight puts added strain on the heart, resulting in tiredness. The best way to lose weight is to do more exercise and cut out sugary and highly-processed foods.
Sleep Well
This is common sense, but it's one of the most important tools against menopausal fatigue. Unfortunately, certain menopausal symptoms, such as night sweats, make sleep difficult. To reduce night sweats and promote good sleep, keep your bedroom dark, cool, and quiet. It might also help to wear cotton pajamas, as synthetic materials can worsen night sweats.
Relieve Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety can trigger fatigue because they use up a lot of energy, can cause restless sleep, and create other physiological reactions that can lead to fatigue. Although it can be difficult to remove the things that cause stress and anxiety from your life, you can find ways to channel your stress and anxiety into something productive so that you do not become fatigued. What this may be depends on the person, but many people find exercises like kickboxing or running, artistic activities such as drawing or playing an instrument, or another activity like gardening or cooking, help to relieve stress and anxiety, which reduces fatigue and improves overall well-being.
This plant is extensively cultivated for medical use and contains the unique relaxants valerenic acid and valeranon. The calming effect it has on the brain and body is a natural way to aid sleep, and a better night's sleep means less fatigue during the day. Before taking any supplement, it's important to check with a doctor to make sure they do not interact with medication or any underlying conditions.
Most people find that a mixture of lifestyle changes is the best way of treating menopausal fatigue. However, underlying medical conditions can also cause fatigue, so if your fatigue persists, it may be time to talk to a doctor. Your doctor may be able to offer you more specific treatments and prescription medicine to help with your fatigue.
- Barton, D.L. et al. (2011). The use of Valeriana officinalis (Valerian) in improving sleep in patients who are undergoing treatment for cancer: a phase III randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study (NCCTG Trial, N01C5). The Journal of Supportive Oncology, 9(1), 24-31. doi: 10.1016/j.suponc.2010.12.008
- Love, S. & Lindsey, K. (2003). Dr. Susan Love's Menopause & Hormone Book. New York: Three Rivers Press.
- National Health Service UK. (2013). Self-help tips to fight fatigue. Retrieved August 29, 2014, from http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/tiredness-and-fatigue/Pages/self-help-energy-tips.aspx