Digestive problems can occur for a lot of women during many stages of their lives. However, it can be a particularly common problem during menopause, when hormones such as estrogen become unbalanced. Fortunately, there are things you can do in order to remedy menopausal digestive problems. Continue reading to discover the best ways to do this in the comfort of your own home.
Chamomile Tea
It is true that, when it comes to relieving digestive problems (in particular, bloating, and acid reflux) all different forms of tea can help. However, chamomile tea can be particularly helpful in easing the discomfort of gas or bloating. This is because this tea contains mild anti-inflammatories and has carminative properties, which relieve esophageal irritation, which in turn will sooth and help the symptoms of an upset stomach.
Exercise can really help you to cope with menopausal digestive problems. It is not only a great idea for your overall health, but can also do wonders for helping your digestive tract to pass food along more efficiently. Take up exercises like swimming, power walking, or yoga for a great way to begin incorporating exercise into your daily routine.
Probiotics provide your body with more of the “friendly bacteria” in your gut that help to ensure that you have no digestive problems, especially constipation or excessive wind. Probiotic yogurts can be found in many flavors in most grocery stores, and they are a great way of helping your digestion while also being a delicious food. However, it is important to check the nutritional label carefully, to make sure they are low sugar, since high blood sugar levels can also hinder digestion. Likewise, if you are lactose intolerant, look for a reduced-lactose variety.
Including more fiber into your diet is key to tackling digestion problems. Fiber helps to regulate issues such as diarrhea and constipation. Although there are two main types of fiber, soluble fiber is regarded as the most effective, rather than insoluble fiber. Eat foods such as beans, citrus fruits, and apples in order to consume enough soluble fiber.
Anxiety has been linked to digestive problems, so try to bring down your stress levels. Getting enough sleep at night and trying to incorporate enough time into your routine to do something you enjoy can really help to improve menopausal digestive problems.
Menopause can bring with it a raft of frustrating and annoying problems for many women. Digestive problems are one of these symptoms. However, there is no need to simply accept this, as you can do many things without turning to prescription medication. By using the home remedies listed above, you should be able to gain some relief, helping your digestive tract function to its optimum ability.
For further information on the different approaches to treat this menopausal symptom, click here.
- National Health Service UK. (2012). Good foods to help your digestion. Retrieved November 14, 2013, from http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/digestive-health/Pages/stomach-friendly-foods.aspx
- Srivastava, J.K. , Shankar, E. & Gupta, S. (2010). Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future. Molecular medicine reports, 3(6), 895-901. Retrieved November 14, 2013 from http://www.spandidos-publications.com/mmr/3/6/895
- U.S Office on Women's Health. (2008). The Healthy Woman: A Complete Guide for All Ages. Digestive Health, pp. 265-278