Burning tongue may be one of the lesser-known menopausal symptoms, but that doesn't mean you are the only one suffering from it. Understanding its effects can make a big difference in the way the disorder is perceived, experienced, and treated. Read on to learn about four of the most common burning tongue symptoms to see if they match up with yours.
Different Taste Sensations
For women going through menopause, the underlying cause of burning tongue symptoms is often hormonal imbalance, as dipping estrogen levels can affect the taste buds, among many other things. For this reason, many with the condition report that food takes on a different flavor, such as an unusual bitterness or even unpleasant, acidic flavors for foods they previously enjoyed.
Burning Sensation at the Back of the Tongue
Though more research is needed surrounding the condition, it is known that bitter taste buds are the most negatively affected element when burning tongue symptoms arise. Most of the taste buds that handle detection for this flavor are located at the back of the tongue, and thus this zone tends to experience an enhanced concentration of the sensation.
Overall Oral Discomfort
Though the syndrome is most noted for a burning sensation that affects the tongue specifically, symptoms may affect the entire surrounding area, resulting in the same feeling, or even pain, on the roof of the mouth and inside the cheeks. The severity of this problem varies between individual sufferers. Most people who have total “burning mouth” report that it tends to increase in intensity throughout the day. Likewise, women with severe menopausal burning tongue syndrome are more likely to experience a metallic taste in the back of the mouth.
Increase in Menopausal Symptoms
As those already dealing with the various stages of menopause know, many of the side effects of this time in life compound upon each other, creating a kind of domino effect in which one symptom triggers many more. Women are especially susceptible to burning tongue symptoms alongside stress and anxiety, which may in turn result in chronic irritation, hot flashes, or any number of other unfortunate consequences. A balanced diet, regular exercise routine, and in some cases a regimen of natural hormonal supplements can reduce all symptoms at the source when hormonal fluctuation is to blame.
Burning tongue symptoms are important to recognize for several reasons - identifying a problem is, of course, among them - but perhaps the most important is for personal peace of mind, to know that there are norms and a commonality even within something so relatively rare. If you've been chronically experiencing the symptoms listed above, talk to a doctor today to find the fastest possible relief.
For further information on how to deal with this menopausal symptom, follow this link.
- Dahiya, P. et al. (2013). Burning Mouth Syndrome and Menopause. International Journal of Preventative Medicine, 4(1), 15-20. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3570906/
- National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. (2011). Burning Mouth Syndrome. Retrieved October 25, 2013, from http://www.nidcr.nih.gov/OralHealth/Topics/Burning/BurningMouthSyndrome.htm