3 Hidden Causes of Bloating and Nausea

By Fiorella M. | Updated: Jun 18, 2020


Bloating and nausea are unpleasant sensations that many people sometimes get after eating, and there are a number of reasons they can occur. They can be connected, especially if they are as a result of a food allergy, but can also be experienced independently. Sometimes the reasons can be obvious; for example, after eating too much, or during pregnancy. However, there are some less obvious causes of bloating and nausea that you could benefit from knowing. Read on to discover some hidden causes of bloating and nausea.

3 Hidden Causes of Bloating and Nausea


Drinking too little water is a very common cause of bloating and nausea, as the body begins to function in “survival mode”. Simply put, if the body is not getting enough water, it will hold on to what it does have in anticipation of a drought. This can lead to water retention and bloating. Therefore, one of the best ways to relieve bloating that is often overlooked is simply to drink more water. Dehydration can also cause nausea and feelings of disorientation, so drinking it will also help prevent these symptoms.


Milk and Eggs

Intolerance of animal products, such as milk and eggs, is a common food allergy, especially in children, and consuming these can often lead to bloating and nausea in individuals who are allergic. Reactions can range from very mild to very severe and even possibly fatal, so it is important to take special care to read ingredients lists and avoid milk and eggs if you are intolerant. With eggs, the allergic proteins that will cause the bloating and nausea are in the egg white, so yolks are usually safe to eat. However, owing to the fact that it is almost impossible to completely separate the whites from the yolks, it is normally not advised to eat any part of the egg.


Eating Too Fast

Although it is widely known that eating too much can cause a feeling of bloating, it is also the case that eating too fast can produce the same effects. Eating too fast can lead to swallowing air, which can then get trapped in the stomach. It also means the food chunks are too big when they reach the stomach, and so take longer to be digested. This can lead to the food stagnating and releasing gases, which the body then finds hard to release. In addition, a fast eating speed can cause feelings of nausea, which is a result of indigestion and the excessive stress it places on the digestive system.

Bloating and nausea are not directly connected, but are often both symptomatic of similar things. There are so many possible causes that it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what has led to the bloating and nausea, but by reading the list above, you might be able to control it by being aware of factors you might not previously have known. Read more about menopausal bloating or nausea during menopause.

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